Tama LSB Videos

Reduza seu custo e aumente o potencial de sua enfardadora.
TAMA LSB twine (fio agrícola para enfardadora de fardos retangulares grandes) combina, em uma única forma, a elevada performance do fio agrícola TAMA type 130, com um aumento significativo do comprimento do fio.

How much net should I put on a round bale

Tama’s Technical Manager Graham Robson gives a simple guide on how much netwrap to apply to a round bale, with information for different crop types and bale sizes, with other hints and tips to avoid problems in the process.

Tama LSB Movie Brasil

Tenha comprimento de fio suficiente em um pálete para fazer 800 fardos a mais!
(Cálculos feitos com base em um fardo de 2,4m x 0.9m de dimensão)

Make better net wrap bales

Net wrap speeds baling, and helps preserve round bale quality. But sometimes net wrap fails.
This program investigates the common causes of those failures, and shows the proper baler settings and operator techniques that will deliver longer lasting, higher quality bales. You’ll also learn how different crops-hay, straw, and stover – need to be treated differently to achieve best results.

How to prevent net splitting

Occasionally, you may see bale where a piece of the net is missing Almost as if the net had been ‘un-zipped’ around the bale. What causes this and where has the net gone? Graham Robson – Tama’s Technical Manager will teach you what might have caused this, and how you can prevent this from happening in the future.

How to prevent bales bursting

We have all seen bales, where the net has burst open on the bale. Graham Robson – Tama’s Technical Manager will teach you what might have caused this, and how you can prevent this from happening in the future.

Care of your Netwrap

Netwrap is a valuable benefit to the modern farmer. It makes sense to understand how to make the most from your roll of netwrap and avoid wasting it. Find out what is the proper way to store your netwrap.

The Value of EDGE to EDGE™ Net Wrap #2

Is your netwrap actually protecting your bale… or not? In effect – buying a netwrap that doesn’t do what it’s supposed to is like buying an umbrella that doesn’t keep you dry…

The Value of EDGE to EDGE™ Net Wrap #1

When the Net-wrap does not cover the bale from edge to edge – this puts a lot of crop at risk! Find out exactly how much you can save.

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